Back to School Edition
Roshelle B performs at the Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts on June 13, 2019
Dear New Mozart Families and Friends:
We want to welcome both returning and new students to New Mozart.
Last year this time, we were busy finishing our expansion at the College Terrace campus feeling unbounded optimism.
This year, we are busy fine-tuning and improving online teaching and learning tools. Our dedicated teachers and staff are continuing to spend countless hours perfecting the craft of distance learning and pedagogy to ensure the highest quality music lessons for our students.
Music’s ability to console, heal, and transcend has never been more important than today as we continue to shelter in place.
Thank you for allowing us to teach and inspire our students online until we are able to return back to our beautiful campus. Your support and love mean so much to all of us. We will continue to do all we can to enrich our students’ musical and emotional development using available tools and technology.
We are eager to embark on this journey together to reach for the higher expression of ourselves through music and dwell in Possibility.
With Gratitude,
Christine Shin
New Mozart School of Music