Bartholomew Baker Performs at Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts — Music lessons in Palo Alto, Menlo Park, Redwood City, Los Altos, & Mountain View

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Bartholomew Baker Performs at Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts


New Mozart's talented piano student Bartholomew Baker will be giving his graduation solo recital at the Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts. This is MVCPA’s 1st exclusively livestreamed concert.

Save the date and visit on August 29th at 2pm.

Bartholomew will perform pieces by Rachmaninoff, Beethoven, Scriabin, Kapustin, Chopin, Debussy, & more.

Bartholomew has been with New Mozart for 12+ years. He began his musical journey in our Harmony Road program and continued on with piano lessons with Teacher Larisa. He has won numerous awards, and scholarships over the years and finished the highest level of RCM exam.