Covid Safety Measures

New Mozart now offers both onsite and online lessons giving our families a choice.
Our #1 priority is to provide the safest learning environment possible. We've implemented safety measures following the CDC and Santa Clara County Public Health guidelines. We continue to monitor updates to County Directives/CDC guidelines and consult directly with Santa Clara County Public Health Department.
Certified by Santa Clara County Public Health Department
All onsite administrative staff and teachers are fully vaccinated.
Daily health checks including temperature & COVID symptom checks for staff & students before they are allowed entry.
Hand sanitizer at reception and additional hand sanitizers throughout the building and every studio.
New central HVAC system with hepa filters that constantly takes out the inside air and brings in fresh air.
Medical grade air purifiers in every room with H13 filters.
Thorough disinfecting of all surfaces and high touch points frequently throughout the day, in between students and at the beginning and end of each day.
Parents & siblings are asked to wait in cars. Lessons can be observed via Zoom upon request.
Filtered masks are required at all times inside the building.
Additional professional deep cleaning/disinfecting twice a week.
Limited capacity to allow social distancing.
Kitchen & lobby are closed.
Comprehensive Teacher Checklist, Admin Staff Checklist, Student Checklist and New Mozart Directive are available.