FREE New Mozart Pianists DEMO (6-9 yr olds)

New Mozart Pianists (8 x 8 in).jpg
New Mozart Pianists (8 x 8 in).jpg
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FREE New Mozart Pianists DEMO (6-9 yr olds)


Introducing Our NEW Piano Program for Children 6-9 Yrs of Age!

New Mozart Pianists DEMO - TUE, 8/13, 5:00-5:50 pm

After nearly 2 decades of innovating and teaching early childhood music program, Harmony Road, we are starting a brand new class geared towards slightly older children. We’ve created this program because we’ve had so many parents of 7, 8, and 9 year olds come to us asking if there are any group classes for them.

We’re happy to say that we no longer have to turn them away!

New Mozart Pianists is an alphabet based program that is meant to seamlessly transition students to private lessons after the conclusion of the summer or 18 week term.

We have educated thousands of children in the Peninsula with our early childhood music classes. Our notable students have won numerous awards, performed on stages in Europe including Musikverein, Petit Palau de Musica in Barcelona, the Carnegie Hall and have gone on to become professional musicians. Best of all, our students not only learn the technicalities of learning an instrument but they develop a ifelong love for music.

We are confident you will love New Mozart Pianists as much as you have loved our Harmony Road classes!

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FREE DEMO Policies

  • Only sign up if you’re able to attend. No shows will be charged the regular class fee. 72 hours notice is required to cancel so that another family may join. 

  • Students must meet the age requirement to attend.

  • One parent/guardian is REQUIRED to attend.  No additional adults are allowed due to space limitation. 

  • Only Registered Free Demo Students may attend. 

  • No siblings or unregistered students are allowed.  Families with unregistered students/siblings will be turned away at the door.