Harmony Road Fall 2019 Pic.jpg
Harmony Road Fall 2019 Pic.jpg
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Music in Me DEMO - TUE, 8/13, 3:00-3:45 pm

Harmony Road 1 DEMO - TUE, 8/13, 4:00-4:50 pm

New Mozart’s Harmony Road is a unique curriculum that empowers young children to learn music intuitively.  Our teachers are passionate early childhood music educators with strong improvisational skills to sing and accompany each class with piano. They’re experienced in incorporating the rigor of the piano curriculum in perfect intervals with other musical exercises - making piano learning digestible and fun for young children.  Parent participation is an integral part of our curriculum and student success so come and enjoy and experience with your child what our Harmony Road is all about.  

Go here to read more about Harmony Road  Only a few spots remain in our Fall 2024 classes so register soon!

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Harmony Road FREE DEMO Policies

  • Only sign up if you’re able to attend. No shows will be charged the regular class fee. 72 hours notice is required to cancel so that another family may join. 

  • Students must meet the age requirement to attend.

  • One parent/guardian is REQUIRED to attend.  No additional adults are allowed due to space limitation. 

  • Only Registered Free Demo Students may attend. 

  • No siblings or unregistered students are allowed.  Families with unregistered students/siblings will be turned away at the door.